lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Types, causes,and symptoms


There is not a known and proved cause of depression, but most researchers have agreed that, this is probably caused my certain chemicals in the brain, genes or a result of any stressful situation.

  • Breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • Failing a class
  • Death or illness of someone close to you
  • Divorce
  • Childhood abuse or neglect
  • Job loss
  • Social isolation (common in the elderly)

Another common possible depression causes are:
  • Alcohol or drug abuse 
  • Certain medical conditions, including underactive thyroid, cancer, or long-term pain
  • Certain medications such as steroids 
  • Sleeping problems

It is important to mention that not all depressive people experience these symptoms or all of them or there’s certain order. This varies from person to person:

  • Strong sadness, anxiety and ¨empty ¨ mood
  • Hopelessness and pessimism
  • The noticeable loss of interest in activities or hobbies that were enjoyable once.
  • Fatigue, lack of concentration and insomnia or oversleep
  • Loss of weight and appetite, or over eating and weight gain
  • Suicidal thoughts           

  1. Major or Clinical depression
  2. Dysthimia
  3. Bipolar

Major Depression: This the most common type of depression which is a combination of the above mentioned symptoms which interferes with the ability to work study, enjoy activities etc. This may happen or be expirienece once in a life time or several times in which psychologists use a checklist to determine if it is Clinical depression, adn its severity:  mild, moderate, or severe (the most serious type).

Dysthimia: in this less severe type of deoression teh symptoms are experience chronicly but it is lees strong and do not inerfere with the daily life, but deprive a person from feeling well and happy and in many cases  at some poiint  Major depression is expierenced.

Bipolar: also known as manic-depressive illness, which is basically changeable mood from severe highs (mania) overacting (symptoms below) and lows (depression) presenting all the depression symptoms and it can change from one to the other rapidly or most often it changes gradually.

Mania Symptoms:

  • Abnormal or excessive elation
  • Unusual irritability
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Grandiose notions
  • Increased talking
  • Racing thoughts
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Markedly increased energy
  • Poor judgment
  • Inappropriate social behavior

** It is important to keep in mind that Symptoms are expierence differently and depenindg on teh type of depression as well as the different methods and medication to treat depression.

Defining Depression

Depression is a state of low humor and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, conduct, feelings and physical well-being. This does not happen only one day, depression is a chronic and daily low mood state of mind. Depression may be also a symptom of some medical conditions, a side-effect of various medical treatments, and a feature of certain psychiatric syndromes.